Coronavirus (COVID-19) advice and information

This page has been designed to provide up-to-date information, guidance and advice with regards to Coronavirus (COVID-19).

If you need medical help, please use the 111 online coronavirus service.

Most legal restrictions to control COVID-19 have been lifted however COVID-19 still hasn't gone away.

The NHS website above provides the most up to date and comprehensive information on the Government's response to the COVID-19 pandemic.




Cover yo face

Get Tested to save lives

This website details a range of information on how the government is helping people affected by the virus:

Guide to safeguarding yourself and your family:

For advice on how you can be supported or what you may be entitled to you can contact the independent Citizens Advice Bureau:







Attachment Size
Government hotlines (61.39 KB) 61.39 KB
How to stop the spread (170.54 KB) 170.54 KB
WHO advice (273.63 KB) 273.63 KB